Turkey has developed into one of the world’s largest financial and economic powers as a result of its extraordinary expansion in recent decades. Globally, Turkish products are well-liked, and many companies are eager to import Turkish products. However, many encounter the most difficult challenge of shipping successfully from Turkey. This could be challenging, especially for beginners and occasionally even specialists. Salihiya Cargo & Shipment Agency’s experts have shared some advice on facilitating shipping from Turkey.
Get multiple quotations from multiple carriers
It’s best to spread out the risks wherever possible. By contacting many carriers, you might just as well follow this procedure (risk spreading) in this situation. They are in charge of managing the entire shipping process from Turkey to your chosen location.
Carriers will assess your cargo based on the following factors: Broker’s fee, Packaging type, Container levies, and Terminal management fees.
These are merely the primary elements. Depending on the carrier, there can be other factors. These fees will primarily aid you in budgeting for the cost of shipping your shipment.
You have a variety of carriers operating out of Turkey to select from, depending on where you’re going. If you have large quantities, fostering competition among shipping companies will probably result in a competitive cost for you to consider.
Use the correct packaging
The size of the container used to transport products has an impact on the final cost of the items. For instance, if your shipment is enormous and fills the container, you will pay a lot of money for that volume, but if you compress the volume of the goods, you will save money.
You must reduce the size of goods packages because professionally packaged goods take up less space inside the container, significantly lowering shipping costs. You can learn from the expertise of Turkish shipping companies like Al-Fares, which will assist you with high professionalism and skill.
One of its professionals makes packages of goods the smallest size feasible so they may fit inside containers with the least amount of space and for you to pay less for shipping.
Consider the geographical location of the factory or supplier
Because Turkey is a big country with many cities, and aside from a few certain goods produced in just one city, we find that other goods are produced in many cities. As a result, try to buy as much as you can from cities close to airports and commercial ports because doing so will greatly reduce the shipping costs for your goods from Turkey.
Choosing the right shipping company
You should exercise caution when selecting a Turkish shipping company or shipping agent because if you work with one of the active shipping firms, they will deliver your products directly from the supplier to the location you choose or to their warehouse when picking up shipments.
In comparison to Turkish shipping companies, Al Fares Cargo Services will transfer your shipment directly from the factory or warehouse to the destination at the lowest cost possible. In contrast to indirect shipping companies, which transfer your shipment from the factory before using another company to transport it to its destination, we will do so directly from the factory or warehouse to the destination.
Take advantage of the appropriate times for shipment
Shipping prices are directly influenced by supply and demand. Try not to send your goods during peak shipping times and at the right time when the demand for shipment is low. You can contact us at Al Fares Cargo Services for advice on choosing the appropriate shipping time to save money. We find that the cost of shipping from China increases before major holidays, such as birthdays, as there is a significant increase in demand for shipping goods with a specific fixed capacity for shipping companies, which causes prices to rise.